Tulisan ini merupakan lanjutan dari setup Zimbra multi server. Oke kita akan melanjutkan setup Zimbra multi server untuk part sebelumnya bisa klik pada link berikut: Setup Zimbra Multi – Server part2. Masuk ke folder: 
# cd /opt/zcs-NETWORK-10.0.0_GA_4518.UBUNTU20_64.20230301065514

 Jalankan perintah berikut untuk install Zimbra.

Do you agree with the terms of the software license agreement? [N] y

Use Zimbra's package repository [Y] y

Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)
Importing Zimbra GPG key

Configuring package repository

Checking for installable packages

Found zimbra-core (local)
Found zimbra-ldap (local)
Found zimbra-logger (local)
Found zimbra-mta (local)
Found zimbra-dnscache (local)
Found zimbra-snmp (local)
Found zimbra-store (local)
Found zimbra-apache (local)
Found zimbra-spell (local)
Found zimbra-convertd (local)
Found zimbra-memcached (repo)
Found zimbra-proxy (local)
Found zimbra-archiving (local)
Found zimbra-license-tools (local)
Found zimbra-license-extension (local)
Found zimbra-network-store (local)
Found zimbra-modern-ui (repo)
Found zimbra-modern-zimlets (repo)
Found zimbra-zimlet-document-editor (repo)
Found zimbra-zimlet-classic-document-editor (repo)
Found zimbra-patch (repo)
Found zimbra-mta-patch (repo)
Found zimbra-proxy-patch (repo)
Found zimbra-ldap-patch (repo)

Select the packages to install

Install zimbra-ldap [Y] n

Install zimbra-logger [Y] y

Install zimbra-mta [Y] n

Install zimbra-dnscache [N] n

Install zimbra-snmp [Y] n

Install zimbra-store [Y] y

Install zimbra-apache [Y] y

Install zimbra-spell [Y] y

Install zimbra-convertd [Y] n

Install zimbra-memcached [Y] n

Install zimbra-proxy [Y] n

Install zimbra-archiving [N] n

Install chat and video features [N] n
Checking required space for zimbra-core
Checking space for zimbra-store
Checking required packages for zimbra-store
     MISSING: libreoffice


One or more suggested packages for zimbra-store are missing.
Some features may be disabled due to the missing package(s).


The system will be modified.  Continue? [N] y

 Oke yang kita install adalah zimbra-logger, zimbra-store, zimbra-apache, dan zimbra-spell. Tunggak hingga selesai. 

Main menu

   1) Common Configuration:
        +Hostname:                             mbox.afatyo.com
******* +Ldap master host:                     UNSET
        +Ldap port:                            389
******* +Ldap Admin password:                  UNSET
        +LDAP Base DN:                         cn=zimbra
        +Store ephemeral attributes outside Ldap: no
        +Secure interprocess communications:   yes
        +TimeZone:                             UTC
        +IP Mode:                              ipv4
        +Default SSL digest:                   sha256

   2) zimbra-logger:                           Enabled
   3) zimbra-store:                            Enabled
        +Create Admin User:                    yes
        +Admin user to create:                 admin@mbox.afatyo.com
******* +Admin Password                        UNSET
        +Anti-virus quarantine user:           virus-quarantine.q_k2xywju@mbox.afatyo.com
        +Enable automated spam training:       yes
        +Spam training user:                   spam.6e8qgxkjy@mbox.afatyo.com
        +Non-spam(Ham) training user:          ham.o374_crk7@mbox.afatyo.com
******* +SMTP host:                            UNSET
        +Web server HTTP port:                 8080
        +Web server HTTPS port:                8443
        +HTTP proxy port:                      80
        +HTTPS proxy port:                     443
        +Web server mode:                      https
        +IMAP server port:                     7143
        +IMAP server SSL port:                 7993
        +IMAP proxy port:                      143
        +IMAP SSL proxy port:                  993
        +POP server port:                      7110
        +POP server SSL port:                  7995
        +POP proxy port:                       110
        +POP SSL proxy port:                   995
        +Use spell check server:               yes
        +Spell server URL:                     http://mbox.afatyo.com:7780/aspell.php
        +Configure for use with mail proxy:    TRUE
        +Configure for use with web proxy:     TRUE
        +Enable version update checks:         TRUE
        +Enable version update notifications:  TRUE
        +Version update notification email:    admin@mbox.afatyo.com
        +Version update source email:          admin@mbox.afatyo.com
        +Install mailstore (service webapp):   yes
        +Install UI (zimbra,zimbraAdmin webapps): yes
******* +License filename:                     UNSET

   4) zimbra-spell:                            Enabled
   5) Default Class of Service Configuration:
   6) Enable default backup schedule:          yes
   s) Save config to file
   x) Expand menu
   q) Quit

Address unconfigured (**) items  (? - help)
Pada bagian ini kita akan konfigurasi pada line yang memiliki lambang (*). Pilih 1 untuk menset ldap master host dan password.
Common configuration

1) Hostname: mbox.afatyo.com
** 2) Ldap master host: UNSET
3) Ldap port: 389
** 4) Ldap Admin password: UNSET
5) LDAP Base DN: cn=zimbra
6) Store ephemeral attributes outside Ldap: no
7) Secure interprocess communications: yes
8) TimeZone: UTC
9) IP Mode: ipv4
10) Default SSL digest: sha256

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] 2

Please enter the ldap server hostname: ldap.afatyo.com
Kita pilih 2 untuk set set ldap master host isikan dengan nama hostname dari server ldap. 
Common configuration

1) Hostname: mbox.afatyo.com
2) Ldap master host: ldap.afatyo.com
3) Ldap port: 389
** 4) Ldap Admin password: UNSET
5) LDAP Base DN: cn=zimbra
6) Store ephemeral attributes outside Ldap: no
7) Secure interprocess communications: yes
8) TimeZone: UTC
9) IP Mode: ipv4
10) Default SSL digest: sha256

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] 4

Password for ldap admin user (min 6 characters): XA1T2lTi0
Setting defaults from ldap...done.
Oke selanjutnya kita bisa set ldap admin password dan untuk mendapatkan nya kita bisa masuk ke server zimbra ldap kita dan jalankan perintah berikut:
# su - zimbra 
zimbra@ldap:~$ zmlocalconfig -s zimbra_ldap_password ldap_master_url
zimbra_ldap_password = XA1T2lTi0
ldap_master_url = ldap://ldap.afatyo.com:389
Kalian salin dan paste kan pada kolom admin password. Jika sudah tunggu saja sampai server zimbra mbox bisa connect ke ldap server kita. Jika sudah nantinya timezone kita akan mengikuti setinggan dari ldap server kita. Selanjutnya kita bisa kembali ke menu awal dan set zimbra-store pilih 3.
Store configuration

1) Status: Enabled
2) Create Admin User: yes
3) Admin user to create: admin@ldap.afatyo.com
** 4) Admin Password UNSET
5) Anti-virus quarantine user: virus-quarantine.hropi8ihc@ldap.afatyo.com
6) Enable automated spam training: yes
7) Spam training user: spam.9ue7_jhnk@ldap.afatyo.com
8) Non-spam(Ham) training user: ham.jcdultktzt@ldap.afatyo.com
** 9) SMTP host: UNSET
10) Web server HTTP port: 8080
11) Web server HTTPS port: 8443
12) HTTP proxy port: 80
13) HTTPS proxy port: 443
14) Web server mode: https
15) IMAP server port: 7143
16) IMAP server SSL port: 7993
17) IMAP proxy port: 143
18) IMAP SSL proxy port: 993
19) POP server port: 7110
20) POP server SSL port: 7995
21) POP proxy port: 110
22) POP SSL proxy port: 995
23) Use spell check server: yes
24) Spell server URL: http://mbox.afatyo.com:7780/aspell.php
25) Configure for use with mail proxy: TRUE
26) Configure for use with web proxy: TRUE
27) Enable version update checks: TRUE
28) Enable version update notifications: TRUE
29) Version update notification email: admin@ldap.afatyo.com
30) Version update source email: admin@ldap.afatyo.com
31) Install mailstore (service webapp): yes
32) Install UI (zimbra,zimbraAdmin webapps): yes
**33) License filename: UNSET

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r]
Pada bagian ini kita isikan admin password untuk user admin kita dan smtp host isikan hostname dari mta server kita yang nantinya kita buat setelah ini. Untuk license nya kalian bisa gunakan trial atau bsa kunjungi website excellent.co.id untuk membeli license zimbra resmi dengan link sebagai berikut: License Zimbra.
Jika sudah selesai semua kalian bisa kembali ke menut awal dan applu configuration.
Main menu

1) Common Configuration:
2) zimbra-logger: Enabled
3) zimbra-store: Enabled
4) zimbra-spell: Enabled
5) Default Class of Service Configuration:
6) Enable default backup schedule: yes
s) Save config to file
x) Expand menu
q) Quit

*** CONFIGURATION COMPLETE - press 'a' to apply
Select from menu, or press 'a' to apply config (? - help) a
Save configuration data to a file? [Yes] y
Save config in file: [/opt/zimbra/config.253322] y
Saving config in y...done.
The system will be modified - continue? [No] y
Operations logged to /tmp/zmsetup.20240610-034112.log
Setting local config values...done.
Initializing core config...Updating ldap_root_password and zimbra_ldap_password...done.
Setting up CA...done.
Deploying CA to /opt/zimbra/conf/ca ...done.
Creating SSL zimbra-store certificate...done.
Installing mailboxd SSL certificates...done.

Tunggu hingga selesai. Untuk memastikan apakah service nya semua jalan jalankan perintah sebagai berikut:
# su - zimbra 
zimbra@mbox:~$ zmcontrol status
Host mbox.afatyo.com
logger Running
mailbox Running
service webapp Running
spell Running
stats Running
zimbra webapp Running
zimbraAdmin webapp Running
zimlet webapp Running
zmconfigd Running
Jika sudah running semua kita akan melanjutkan ke tahap berikutnya install Zimbra MTA pada tulisan selanjutnya.

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