Halloo semuanya, kalian pernah nggak sih bosen waktu setting server linux kalian via CLI. Tetapi output nya itu biasa aja kaya langsung muncul tanpa animasi. Kaya kalian menjalankan perintah cat untuk liat isi dari file kalian terus langsung muncul aja.
Nah mungkin ini solusi biar kalian nggak bosen waktu lagi liat isi file atau jalankan perintah yang ouputnya tulisan di CLI kalian. Ya ini hanya buat senang senang aja ya hehe. Jadi saya kemarin menemukan namanya TTE atau bisa di bilang Text Terminal Effect. Nah yang dimana nantinya waktu kalian jalankan perintah apa aja dan di tambahkan perintah TTE ini nanti outpunya ada animasinya. Karena saya tidak bisa kasih contoh hasilnya tapi saya akan saya kasih tau installasi nya.
Untuk pertama kita install package pip terlebih dahulu. Perintah nya seperti berikut:
# apt install pip
# yum install pip
Nah karena TTE ini tidak tergantung dengan package yang bergantungan dengan versi OS. Kita hanya membutuhkan package python saja. Nah jika sudah kalian install pip nya.
Kita akan install TTE nya menggunakan perintah berikut:
Semua OS
# pip install terminaltexteffects
Tunggu hingga selesai. Kalau sudah selesai untuk menjalankan TTE nya, kalian jalankan satu perintah sebagai contoh saya menggunakan perintah cat. Nah perintah nya seperti ini.
# cat random-file.txt | tte (nama-animasi)
Nah kita jalankan dengan pipeline. Untuk mendapatkan nama animasinya kalian bisa jalankan perintah
# tte --help
Available Effects
beams Create beams which travel over the canvas illuminating the characters behind them.
binarypath Binary representations of each character move through the terminal towards the home coordinate of the character.
blackhole Characters are consumed by a black hole and explode outwards.
bouncyballs Characters are bouncy balls falling from the top of the canvas.
bubbles Characters are formed into bubbles that float down and pop.
burn Burns vertically in the canvas.
colorshift Display a gradient that shifts colors across the terminal.
crumble Characters lose color and crumble into dust, vacuumed up, and reformed.
decrypt Display a movie style decryption effect.
errorcorrect Some characters start in the wrong position and are corrected in sequence.
expand Expands the text from a single point.
fireworks Characters launch and explode like fireworks and fall into place.
matrix Matrix digital rain effect.
middleout Text expands in a single row or column in the middle of the canvas then out.
orbittingvolley Four launchers orbit the canvas firing volleys of characters inward to build the input text from the center out.
overflow Input text overflows and scrolls the terminal in a random order until eventually appearing ordered.
pour Pours the characters into position from the given direction.
print Lines are printed one at a time following a print head. Print head performs line feed, carriage return.
rain Rain characters from the top of the canvas.
randomsequence Prints the input data in a random sequence.
rings Characters are dispersed and form into spinning rings.
scattered Text is scattered across the canvas and moves into position.
slice Slices the input in half and slides it into place from opposite directions.
slide Slide characters into view from outside the terminal.
spotlights Spotlights search the text area, illuminating characters, before converging in the center and expanding.
spray Draws the characters spawning at varying rates from a single point.
swarm Characters are grouped into swarms and move around the terminal before settling into position.
synthgrid Create a grid which fills with characters dissolving into the final text.
unstable Spawn characters jumbled, explode them to the edge of the canvas, then reassemble them in the correct layout.
vhstape Lines of characters glitch left and right and lose detail like an old VHS tape.
waves Waves travel across the terminal leaving behind the characters.
wipe Wipes the text across the terminal to reveal characters.
Nah seperti itu kurang lebih, ada banyak effect yang bisa kalian gunakan. Kalian bisa coba sendiri ya. Jadi sampai sini saja, sampai jumpa pada blog selanjutnya bye bye.
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